Dangers of open wound infection

Whether you have a minor or a more serious open wound, it’s important to take quick action. Some open wounds can be treated at home, but this isn’t always the case. You need medical attention if you have a deep cut or if you’re bleeding a lot. This ensures you receive the most appropriate treatment and reduces your risk for complications and infection.

Should home treatment F0 use anti-inflammatory corticosteroids?

Due to psychological anxiety because of COVID-19, many patients treated at home have self-medicated, including corticosteroids (such as Medrol). There have been cases of gastrointestinal bleeding and more severe cases of COVID-19 due to self-medication.

Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema in Children

Although there is no cure for atopic dermatitis, treatment can decrease your child's skin dryness and irritation, making her more comfortable. 

Diabetic foot ulcer care can use Multidex or not?
Foot ulcers are a common complication in diabetics. According to statistics, 15 out of every 100 people with diabetes have foot ulcers. If not detected and cared for properly, ulcers can become severe and increase the risk of amputation.
Treatment of sores and ulcers in the elderly

Skin ulcers in the elderly are common in people who are sedentary, have to lie in one place for a long time, often occur in the summer when they sweat a lot…. Skin ulcers in the elderly need to be treated right away to keep the patient comfortable, pain-free, and avoid infection.

Role of Vitamin C in ulcer healing

Vitamin C plays an important role in the formation of collagen, carnitine, hormones and amino acids. It is necessary for wound healing and facilitates burn recovery. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, supporting immune function and helping with iron absorption.

What are COVID toes?

You probably know that COVID-19 can bring on symptoms like a cough, fever, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Could it also be linked to swollen and discolored toes? Some medical groups and researchers say it can, and the condition has been dubbed “COVID toes.” Other scientists say early research suggests that there isn’t a connection between the coronavirus and this skin problem.

MULTIDEX - A companion in the process of fighting an ulcer

Multidex is a product containing Maltodextrin and 1% ascorbic acid used in wound care. As a leading product in wound healing, 𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐗 is confident to be an American biotechnological product used in the treatment of wounds and ulcers according to the natural healing mechanism, the product does not contain preservatives, safe and healthy. all with children.

How to treat necrotic, odorous wounds

A necrotic, odorous wound is a particularly severe degree of skin damage. If not handled properly, the necrotic area will spread deeply and widely, seriously threatening the patient's health. Here are some ways to help you treat necrotic wounds effectively.