Can MULTIDEX be used on infected sores?

Multidex® Gel or Powder fills wound sites with topical nutrients, forms a protective coating and maintains a moist environment while controlling odor and drainage. Available with or without prescription.

How to make an infected wound heal faster

Infected wounds, if not handled promptly, can lead to many complications and dangerous consequences, especially necrosis. Therefore, when detecting an infected wound, it is necessary to promptly provide first aid and immediately go to a medical facility to be treated by qualified doctors and nurses. The following article provides tips for taking care of an infected wound.

Should I use hydrogen peroxide to clean an open wound?

Not only is there white foam, but when using hydrogen peroxide to wash the wound, it will bring a strong burning pain. Nowadays, there are many options for wound cleaning, so using hydrogen peroxide as an antiseptic is no longer the optimal choice.

Pressure Ulcer Stages

Pressure ulcers are one of the common causes of prolonged hospital stay and increased treatment costs in patients who are lying in bed for a long time and sedentary. If not treated promptly and properly, there is a high risk of complications, even death. Pressure ulcers are divided into 4 stages, increasing gradually according to the degree of damage of the ulcer.

Facts About Leprosy (Hansen's Disease)
Leprosy is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, an acid-fast, rod-shaped bacillus. With the application of multidrug therapy since 1982, leprosy has been eliminated in most countries in the world and Vietnam has also been recognized for leprosy elimination. However, up to now, leprosy is still not properly understood, which is also the cause of psychological burden for leprosy patients.
Diabetic foot – amputate or not?
Having diabetes means you’re at much greater risk of developing foot problems. If you don’t get these problems downed, they could lead to foot ulcers, infections and, at worst, amputations. Most foot problems can be prevented with good and regular foot care.
Instructions for proper ulcer care in the elderly

A pressure ulcer is a localized injury that results from unrelieved pressure to the skin and underlying tissue. These ulcers usually occur over bony prominences such as the sacrum, ischial tuberosities, greater trochanters, heels and lateral malleoli. About 70% of pressure ulcers occur in people over age 65.

Classification of pressure ulcers
A pressure ulcer is an injury to the skin and underlying tissues, primarily caused by prolonged pressure on the skin. They can happen to anyone, but usually affect people who are in bed for long periods of time or people who are in a chair or wheelchair for long  time.
Venous Skin Ulcer: Things to know

A venous skin ulcer is a sore on your leg that’s very slow to heal, usually because of weak blood circulation in the limb. Venous leg ulcers are the most common type of leg ulcers, accounting for more than 90% of all cases.