Scalp Psoriasis- What You Need to Know

Scalp psoriasis is a common skin disorder that makes raised, reddish, often scaly patches. It can pop up as a single patch or several, and can even affect your entire scalp. It can also spread to your forehead, the back of your neck, or behind and inside your ears.

Top 10 Medical Remedies to Remove Old Scars

While some people consider their scars to be marks of pride, many people just want them to go away. Since they can affect your appearance, they can make you feel self-conscious. If you want to get rid of an old scar, you need to understand what a scar is and what type you’re trying to get rid of.

What is Frostbite?

Frostbite is an injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues. In the earliest stage of frostbite, known as frostnip, there is no permanent damage to skin. Symptoms include cold skin and a prickling feeling, followed by numbness and inflamed or discolored skin. As frostbite worsens, skin may become hard or waxy-looking.

MULTIDEX powder supports "beating" ulcers by what mechanism?

As a leading product in wound healing is confident to be an American biotechnological product used in the treatment of wounds and ulcers (with ingredients Maltodextrin and 1% Ascorbic Acid - Vitamin C) and no any preservatives or other chemicals added to 𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐗.

What Treatments Fade or Remove Chickenpox Scars?

Because it’s so contagious, almost all adults in the United States over a certain age have had chickenpox. After the vaccine became available, infection rates dropped more than 90 percent. Today, chickenpox is rare among children. Many adults, however, still have reminders of their chickenpox, such as scarring.

Excessive scratching of chickenpox blisters can cause damage. When your skin is damaged by a deep wound, your body produces tissue that is thicker than skin to repair it. This is known as scar tissue. Inflammation of the skin, which is common with chickenpox, can lead to scars with a sunken appearance. Many people want to fade or remove these scars, especially when they’re on the face. Read on to learn some of the treatment options you have for chickenpox scars.

Is the treatment of keloid scars easy?

Keloid scar treatment is possible. If you don't like how a keloid looks or feels, talk with a doctor about how to flatten or remove it. Even with treatment, a keloid can last for years or recur.

What causes keloids and how to prevent them?

A keloid scar is a thick raised scar. It can occur wherever you have a skin injury but usually forms on earlobes, shoulders, cheeks or the chest. If you're prone to developing keloids, you might get them in more than one place. A keloid scar isn't harmful to your physical health, but it can cause emotional distress. Prevention or early treatment is key. Keloid scar treatment is possible. If you don't like how a keloid looks or feels, talk with a doctor about how to flatten or remove it. Even with treatment, a keloid can last for years or recur.

How to treat ulcers in the genital

Genital ulcers are sometimes painful sores that don’t heal on their own. They’re often due to STIs, but there can be many other causes. The sooner you talk to your healthcare provider, the sooner you can get relief. You may need prescription medications or ointment. Although most people make a full recovery, ulcers sometimes come back. With timely genital ulcer treatment, genital ulcer disease will not affect your long-term health.

How is folliculitis treated?

Folliculitis is a common skin condition commonly triggered by bacterial or fungal infections. The resulting rash of raised bumps can be itchy and painful, but it is treatable with topical medications. There are several types of folliculitis, the difference is determined by the cause of the infection or inflammation. Basic skin hygiene practices can help lower your risk of developing folliculitis, but if the condition does appear, it’s helpful to know how to recognize it and how best to respond.