Using multidex in the treatment of ulcers

As a sterile Maltodextrin Powder with 1% ascorbic acid, its natural properties bring topical nutrients to the wound, creating a natural environment for the body to heal itself. Multidex Gel is specially formulated by adding glycerin and water to Multidex Powder for use on dry wounds. Clinical findings show Multidex Gel has the same unique performance and characteristics as the powder and is easier to apply on difficult-toaccess areas of the body.

Using multidex in the treatment of ulcers

As a sterile Maltodextrin Powder with 1% ascorbic acid, its natural properties bring topical nutrients to the wound, creating a natural environment for the body to heal itself. Multidex Gel is specially formulated by adding glycerin and water to Multidex Powder for use on dry wounds. Clinical findings show Multidex Gel has the same unique performance and characteristics as the powder and is easier to apply on difficult-toaccess areas of the body.

Study regarding the effectiveness of Maltodextrin and Vitamin C in the treatment of skin ulcers
In this article, we will cite the research regarding the effectiveness of Maltodextrin and Vitamin C - Main ingredients of Multidex gel - from the scientific article "Topical Wound Treatments and Wound-Care Products" by author Stine Jacobsen , DVM, PhD, Diplomate ECVS.
Enhanced Tracheostomy Wound Healing Using Maltodextrin and Silver Alginate Compounds in Pediatrics: A Pilot Study
Postoperative tracheostomy wounds are common complications. The use of maltodextrin gel (MD) and silver alginate foam pads (AG) provided an effective treatment for tracheostomy-related ulcers in pediatric patients.
MULTIDEX® maltodextrin wound dressing case study
In a side-by-side clinical comparison, a more significant decrease in wound size was achieved in wounds treated with Multidex® wound dressings versus using wet-to-dry dressings.
Why Is Maltodextrin Used In Skincare?

Maltodextrin is a plant-based sugar that is used in cosmetics and skincare products as a moisturizer and hydrating ingredient. Maltodextrin is also used to improve the texture of formulations.  

Westmead study shows vitamin C prevents ulcer-related amputations

A new study from Westmead Hospital shows that vitamin C can help heal chronic foot ulcers and prevent the need for amputation.

Maltodextrin/ ascorbic acid stimulates wound closure by increasing collagen turnover and TGF-β1 expression in vitro and changing the stage of inflammation from chronic to acute in vivo

Maltodextrin represents a polysaccharide that has been characterized for wound healing applications. Maltodextrin is a D- glucose polysaccharide obtained by starch hydrolysis with an average molecular weight of 3 kDa that is composed of small quantities of glucose and maltose. In clinical studies, topical application of a maltodextrin/ ascorbic acid to wounds and ulcers has shown to form a protective cover that regulates exudate and the invasion of microorganisms. The moist wound environment established by maltodextrin promotes tissue granulation and with the ascorbic acid, the maltodextrin/ ascorbic acid low pH exhibits a bacteriostatic activity. 

Cost Effective Limb Preservation Protocol for DF Patients Indicated for a Limb Amputation in a Low Income Developing Country
Study objectives
This study describes a cost effective limb preservation protocol for diabetic foot patients indicated for limb amputation in a low income developing country. The protocol uses Multidex® maltodextrin/ascorbic acid dressing (DeRoyal®, Tennessee, USA) as a primary dressing and gauze as a secondary dressing following  transmetatarsal amputation.