Proper Woundcare - 7 Myths and Facts

Proper wound care is essential for healing wounds of all shapes and sizes. Whether you are dealing with pressure ulcers, an injured knee, or recovering from surgery, it is crucial that you adopt proper wound care techniques. There is no shortage of misconceptions and doubts regarding efficient wound care methods. Before embarking on a wound care treatment it is therefore important to check the myths and facts related to its care. Proper wound management greatly reduces the chances of infection, helps achieve quick pain relief, and promotes safe wound healing environment.

Here is the list of 7 most common and persistent myths about wound treatment.

Enabling chronic wounds to heal: management of leg ulcers

Chronic wounds are defined as wounds that fail to proceed through the normal phases of wound healing in an orderly and timely manner. A wound is generally considered chronic if it has failed to heal within 4-6 weeks. Chronic leg ulcers are defined as open lesions between the knee and the ankle that have not healed within 4-6 weeks. Most (around 70%) of leg ulcers occur because of venous insufficiency, arterial ulcers account for about 25% of leg ulcers and around 5% of leg ulcers have both venous and arterial components and are referred to as ulcers of mixed aetiology.

Surgical wound care - open

An incision is a cut through the skin that is made during surgery. It is also called a surgical wound. Some incisions are small, others are long. The size of the incision depends on the kind of surgery you had. Sometimes, an incision breaks open. This may happen along the entire cut or just part of it. Your doctor may decide not to close it again with sutures (stitches).

Properly Treating a Scraped Knee

Scraped knees are a common injury, but they’re also relatively easy to treat. Scraped knees usually occur when you fall or rub your knee against a rough surface. It’s not often a serious injury and can usually be treated at home.

However, there are some precautions to take so a scraped knee doesn’t become infected. Read on to learn how to safely treat a scraped knee at home.

How to treat infection in surgical wounds

A surgical site infection is an infection that occurs after surgery in the part of the body where the surgery took place. Surgical site infections can sometimes be superficial infections involving the skin only. Other surgical site infections are more serious and can involve tissues under the skin, organs, or implanted material. 

An acute wound: What Is It, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

An acute wound is a sudden injury to the skin. Acute wounds can happen anywhere on the body. They range in depth from superficial scratches to deep, penetrating wounds.

Common wound care myths
Several common myths associated with wound care hinder a safe and healthy healing cycle. The following is a list of common wound care myths and solutions for better recovery.
Are there different kinds of intertrigo?

There are many names to describe intertrigo such as acute intertrigo, chronic intertrigo, diaper intertrigo ... this depends on the location of the intertrigo and whether the intertrigo is infected or infected with fungus or not. Let's find out the types of skin intertrigo and how to treat them in the article below.

Top 10 Medical Remedies to Remove Old Scars

While some people consider their scars to be marks of pride, many people just want them to go away. Since they can affect your appearance, they can make you feel self-conscious. If you want to get rid of an old scar, you need to understand what a scar is and what type you’re trying to get rid of.