How to prevent scarring from burns?


How to prevent scarring from burns?

Burns are common injuries in daily life. In this article, we take a look at which types of burns are most likely to leave scars, how to reduce burn scars, and how to prevent burn scars.

Severe burns can leave scars if not cared for properly

1. Scar formation due to burns

Burns can occur when a person's skin touches something too hot, burns with boiling water, overexposures to the sun, certain chemicals, or even electricity.

During the healing process, a scar is often formed. Scars are thick, discolored areas of skin that often develop after skin damage causes cells to die. The body produces a protein called collagen to repair damaged skin that leads to scarring. Burn scars can be large or small depending on the extent of the damage to the skin. The severity of the burn will determine whether these scars will fade or be permanent.

2. Types of burn scars

The severity of a burn depends on how long a person is exposed to the heat as well as its intensity.

Burns are classified according to the extent of the skin involvement:

  • First-degree burns injure the outer layer of the skin (epidermis) and cause redness and pain. They usually heal within 6 days without scarring on the skin.

  • Second-degree burns affect both the epidermis and the subcutaneous layer (dermis). As well as pain and redness, people with second-degree burns may experience blistering. These burns can take 2 to 3 weeks to heal and are more likely to leave a scar.

3. How to prevent scars from burns

Proper treatment of second-degree burns and above will help prevent scarring. Some first aid and burn care ways to prevent scarring from forming are as follows:

  • Rinse the burn area with cool or warm water. Let the skin dry naturally.

  • Use a sterile tongue depressor to apply antibiotic ointment to the burn. This will help prevent infection.

  • Cover the burn with a nonstick bandage and then wrap the bandage around.

  • If you have a blister, you should wait for it to burst on its own, then go to a doctor to have the skin removed.

  • Protect the burned area from the sun with clothing when going outside

  • See your doctor regularly to make sure the burn is healing properly.

In addition, you can use Multidex topical to help burn wounds heal naturally, limiting the possibility of scar formation. Multidex helps heal wounds quickly in severe, difficult to heal cases such as second-degree and third-degree burn ulcers,... The product is of natural origin including Maltodextrin and Vitamin C, so it is very safe and does not cause any side effects.