Causes of genital ulcers


There are many causes of genital ulcers, of which the main ones are sexually transmitted infections.

1. Genital ulcer syndrome

Genital ulcer syndrome can affect both men and women. This is a condition in which there are ulcers in the female or male genitals, anus caused by sexually transmitted infections. In men, it is easy to detect genital ulcers, while in women, it is often detected through the natural burning pain or burning pain when urinating.

The pattern of genital ulcer disease varies according to different regions of the world in which genital herpes, syphilis and chancroid are common causes of ulcers.

2. Causes of genital ulcers

Common causative agents of genital ulcers:

Syphilis spirochetes cause syphilis. Chancroid is an acute, sexually transmitted disease with a short incubation period of 2-5 days. The characteristic presentation of the disease is a painful ulceration where the bacteria enter - usually the external genitalia and cause purulent inguinal lymphadenitis. There are two types of herpes virus (Herpes Simplex Virus-HSV), HSV-1 and HSV-2, but genital herpes is mainly caused by HSV-2.


3. How to treat genital ulcers?

For genital ulcers, if treated properly, the sores will heal and leave no complications, without affecting the ability to have children later.

If left untreated, the sores can heal on their own or become superinfected with other bacteria, rarely leaving complications, especially syphilis will turn into a latent stage or syphilis 3.

For diseases that have a cause There will be specific treatment drugs, in addition to supportive treatment such as pain relief, inflammation reduction, topical drugs...

4. Advice for patients during and after genital ulcer treatment

Patients need to fully comply with the treatment regimen, especially for syphilis and chancroid to prevent complications of the disease and cut off the source of infection. You should follow up with your doctor's appointment. Genital ulcers facilitate the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Chancroid, genital herpes, and syphilis are common in areas with high HIV prevalence and prevention of these diseases is an important component of HIV prevention. HIV infection can alter the clinical appearance of genital ulcers making the diagnosis more difficult. The need for early treatment should therefore be emphasized, especially in HIV-infected individuals. In addition to the risk of HIV infection, genital herpes is also a high risk of infection to the fetus, especially during labor and delivery. Currently, there is no specific treatment for genital herpes, patients have to carry the disease for life and often relapse. People with genital herpes easily infect their sexual partners, so it is very important to prevent infection. Syphilis can be transmitted from mother to fetus through the placenta causing: Miscarriage, stillbirth, congenital syphilis... Safe sex and proper and regular use of condoms. It should be noted that for sores caused by genital herpes, condoms are not effective if they do not completely cover the sores. When a genital ulcer is diagnosed, the spouse or partner should be informed and treatment should be applied to the sexual partner as well.