MULTIDEX® - maltodextrin wound dressing case study summary

MULTIDEX® - maltodextrin wound dressing case study summary
01/11/2021 12:00 AM 301 Views

    In a side-by-side clinical comparison, a more significant decrease in wound size was achieved in wounds treated with Multidex® wound dressings versus using wet-to-dry dressings.
    Chronic or non-healing wounds are some of the most difficult and expensive to treat, and may never heal. However, Multidex® dressing has been successfully treating hard-to-heal wounds for over 25 years. Beginning with Dr. Silvetti’s ground breaking research in the early 1980s, a more significant decrease in wound size was achieved in wounds treated with
    Multidex® wound dressings versus using wet-to-dry dressings.** – Multidex® dressing time and time again has worked when other products and techniques have failed or stalled.
    Multidex® dressing addresses 4 major concerns when working with non-healing wounds:
    1. Facilitates autolytic debridement
    2. Multidex® dressing softens dry, necrotic tissue helping to reduce pain associated with
    mechanical debridement
    3. Has a low pH, and studies show a low pH is conducive to wound healing and bioburden
    reduction2-4, and Multidex® dressing
    4. Creates an ideal environment for the body to heal itself.
    Healing is observed in difficult-to-heal wounds following the application of Multidex® wound dressings.
    As first explored in a study by Bonham and Schaffer; published in the Journal of WOCN5, after trying two different unsuccessful treatment regimens over 13 months, on non-responsive peristomal wounds, the wound condition significantly improved with Multidex® dressing as the primary dressing allowing final resolution. Recalcitrant wounds are difficult to heal, this case supports the use of Multidex® dressing as a primary dressing in wounds that do not improve with other dressings. Others have also reported success in treating difficult to heal wounds with Multidex® dressing.


    Maltodextrin/ascorbic dressing stimulates wound closure by increasing collagen turnover
    In a study similar to that of Krotzsch et al. 2005, a team investigated the physiochemical properties in the wound environment that led to wound healing when Multidex® dressing was used as the treatment and compared with a control group.
    Experiments found that collagen turnover was increased due to correlated increases in TGF-β1, MMP-1, gelatinase activity, while TIMP-1 decreased.10 These biomarker changes are correlated with normal wound healing. “[They] observed that venous leg ulcers treated with maltodextrin/ascorbic acid diminished microorganism population and improved wound repair during a 12 week period. When maltodextrin/ascorbic acid treatment was compared with zinc oxide, almost four fold wound closure was evidenced.” The study concluded that Multidex® powder used as primary dressing helps to establish an optimal moist wound environment conducive to wound healing.

    Multidex® & Algidex® dressing used to heal tracheostomy ulcers in pediatric patients
    Wounds related to tracheostomies are common, in particular with children due to their shorter necks, increased movement and the routine use of firm and inflexible methods to secure the tube. These factors often lead to areas of pressure and friction that can frequently result in open wounds. After seeking options for treatment, and learning very little existed in the way of research in this area, the clinicians went to work to find alternative treatment methods. Using a combination of Multidex® dressing and the DeRoyal® Algidex® foam tracheostomy dressing, researchers’ treated 11 patients for tracheostomy related wounds; all achieving complete healing and no adverse effects were noted. In addition to the rate of successful treatment, the length of treatment was also remarkable with the average being less than 2 weeks for complete healing (12.8 days - range 6 to 28 days). While more research is being conducted, the authors concluded that the described treatment protocol is safe and effective for treating friction and pressure injuries associated with pediatric tracheostomies.









    Saving limbs indicated for a limb amputation in low income areas using Multidex® wound dressings
    This study describes a cost effective limb preservation protocol for diabetic foot patients indicated for limb amputation in a low income developing country as performed by Dr. Puerta. The protocol uses Multidex® maltodextrin/ascorbic acid dressings and gauze…that’s all! Study author proclaimed that “Multidex® dressing is the key component” to the successful healing of his patients. Multidex® dressing established an ideal moist environment that promotes the body’s natural wound healing process. 
    It also aided in autolytic debridement of dry wounds when used in its gel form. Results were truly astounding with twelve of thirteen wounds achieving complete healing during the study without skin grafting; the remaining patients achieved 70% healing before skin grafting.

    Diabetic foot ulcers after 21 weeks of treatment with Multidex

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